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Always protect your roof!

What is synthetic underlayment and why do I need it? Roofing felt has been around for over one hundred years. The purpose was to provide waterproof roof until the roof was complete and new shingles...

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Metal Is King

Today we will touch on how metal is “king” within the roofing industry and why it is the best choice when replacing your roof. In this day and age, there are an amazing array of materials that you can...

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It’s so hot in my attic!!

Yes, there is something you can do! Back in February of this year we touched on how important roof ventilation is and why you need it. Being in South Texas we see some pretty hot and extreme weather;...

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Fireworks and your roof.

The 4th of July is upon us! While this year looks a little different the outcome of fireworks going off around you can be detrimental to your roof. While quality roofing material has been treated for...

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Home Improvement Fail

Most of us have been home for the last 2 months due to Covid19 and one way to fill the idle time is to go online in search of home improvement ideas. It’s too easy to get lost in the ocean of photograph...

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Things to know before installing a skylight

Have you thought about ways to lower your electric bills recently? It is definitely something to consider. One way would be to add light to your home the natural way, consider adding a skylight. Understanding...

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Should I replace my commercial roof?

You are probably thinking about the financial burden that a new roof can cause. Whereas you may not realize it, there are many reasons why investing in a new roof can make your company more money in...

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Metal Roof Maintenance

First and foremost, galvalume is the longest enduring metal roof. While a metal roof lasts the longest, it still needs some tender loving care. This material lasts longer but it will be more expensive...

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