FREE ESTIMATES | Call Today San Antonio 210-267-9400

What you should expect from our roofing estimate.

How long will it take?

Normal time is 30 minutes but depending on the extent of the damage it could be upwards of an hour.

How much does it cost?

Our estimate is 100% free.

Do I need to be there?

We prefer that you are there so that we can discuss our findings, but it is not required. We will email you an estimate along with any pertinent information that you might need to move forward. In addition, we encourage our customers not to file a claim with their insurance company until after we have inspected the roof. In some cases, homeowners do not have enough damage to warrant a claim.

Who is coming and what do they need to do?

We will send one of our experienced representatives out to your home, which will enable them to take a close look at the shape your roof is in and determine severity of the damage and; if necessary, we will inspect leaks from the inside.

Should I call my insurance company and file a claim beforehand?

If you know you had hail in your neighborhood, CALL US! We want to be present when the adjuster comes out to do his/her inspection. It is your legal right to have a professional represent you during the inspection. Do not rely on just your adjuster’s inspection. The adjuster works for and is paid by the insurance company. You need a professional working for you.

Will they need to get on the roof?

Yes, but don’t worry. We’ve gotten pretty good at going up and down ladders.

What are the next steps?

At the end of our inspection, we will go over our findings and you will receive a written estimate from our office via email by the end of the day. If you plan to go through your insurance company then we enter in the amount based on what your insurance will cover. We ask that we compare our findings with your detailed insurance paperwork; that way we can mitigate any human errors that we might find on that end. At Tomlin we want you to receive everything that is needed to restore your roof to proper form.

When will you come back to do the work?

That depends on a few things. We like to get your roof restored as quickly as possible. Our turn around time is a few weeks. Your representative will work with you on the best timing for ourselves as well as what works best for you.

Any more questions?

Give us a call at 210-267-9400. We’re happy to take care of your questions or concerns.


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